Represents a drone in a physical system. Drones move using euler integration based on a specified vel...
Definition: Drone.h:19
Represents an entity in a physical system.
Definition: IEntity.h:22
Strategy interface.
Definition: IStrategy.h:11
Manages a picojson::object, works with JsonValue to provide implicit casting.
Represents a Recharge Drone in a physical system.
Definition: RechargeDrone.h:12
void getNextDeadDrone()
Get the Next Dead Drone object.
RechargeDrone & operator=(const RechargeDrone &drone)=delete
Removing assignment operator so that the recharge drone cannot be copied.
void update(double dt)
Updates recharge drone's position and state.
Destroy the Recharge Drone object.
RechargeDrone(const JsonObject &obj)
Construct a new Recharge Drone object.
RechargeDrone(const RechargeDrone &drone)=delete
Removing copy constructor so that the recharge drone cannot be copied.